Articles and Publications
How to live in a dryer world?
Drylands are becoming fragile due to global warming. In many regions, droughts are predicted to increase in frequency and gain in intensity. Hence there is an urgency to reinforce the resilience of drylands.
L’ADEME et AXA Climate lancent un parcours de formation en e-learning dédié à la transition bas carbone
Record heat waves in India and Pakistan : will this become the new normal?
Since March 2022, more than 1.4 billion people in India and Pakistan have been crushed by heat waves which have been particularly intense and above all extremely long.
How Mediterranean tropical like cyclones are becoming “cyclops” challenging business operations around the Mare Nostrum?
Sicily, October 29th 2021: Medicane Apollo [1] approached the coast of Sicily and released torrential rains east of the island, especially...
Regenerative agriculture transition to be accelerated through new impact fund from AXA, Unilever and Tikehau Capital
2022 Hurricane risk: La Niña remnants to increase
Bessé Agro and AXA Climate announce the partnership for the co-construction of innovative insurance solutions for the agricultural sector
Traduction française du résumé à l’intention des décideurs du 2e groupe de travail du rapport du GIEC 2022
Le Résumé à l’intention des décideurs présente les principales conclusions de la contribution du Groupe de Travail II au sixième Rapport d’évaluation du GIEC. Nous en publions une traduction non officielle en français.
How an ‘atmospheric river’ led to the disastrous isolation of the port of Vancouver
Atmospheric rivers will become larger and more severe with climate change. The 2021 events in British-Colombia and on Vancouver port can enlighten us on how infrastructure can adapt to new climate risks.
AXA Climate partners with CoreLogic to enhance parametric hail offering
Why cities need to take action against climate risks in the face of rapid urbanization
58% of cities are highly exposed to climate risks. Their resilience journey starts with a better understanding of the risks, which informs a cost-efficiency and qualitative prioritization of adaptation measures.
AXA Climate announced as Best Climate Insurance Product Company
Phenological stages: The key to understand and reduce the impact of climate change?
Phenological stages of plants are linked to climate and therefore to agricultural risks. Knowing this relationship can help with future crop protection: installation, practices, alerts and insurance.
How investing in Mangroves and Sea Walls today could reduce Vietnam’s future climate risks by billions of dollars
A study by AXA Climate, the InsuResilience Solutions Fund and ETH Zurich to analyze the typhoon risk in Vietnam and to identify the most cost-efficient nature-based solutions for policymakers.
Will spring frost become the new norm in France?
The increase in the risk of spring frost is due to 2 main factors: Crops starting to grow earlier every year and the growing instability of cold polar air masses. We present in this note ways to adapt to this risk.
France Invest et AXA Climate lancent un parcours de formation en e-learning sur la Finance Durable
AMRAE Climate Commitment Barometer:In partnership with AXA Climate
‘Not enough wind?’: Decrease in wind availability impacting the energy generation and related investments in India
India is pledged to become energy-independent by 2047. Discover how the unprecedented drop in wind energy potential in recent years across the Indian subcontinent mounts huge risk in the path of this goal